Unidad 1
Teacher Edition Prezi's and Assessment Links
Below you will find all the Prezi's that are almost exactly the same as the student Prezi's. However, at the end of each Prezi is a copy of all the worksheets with the answers a click away. This will allow you to review the answers quickly and effectively with your class. I recommend using "Remote Mouse" on your tablet or phone to advance the answers so that you can walk around the room and see who is checking their work or take a look over their shoulders to see how they are doing and to have close proximity to students who are not staying on task.
If I gave a formative assessment on the lesson, I have posted a link button to the quiz on Socrative. When you click that link, it will automatically post a copy of the quiz in your Socrative library. Let me know if you have any questions or need help.
If I gave a formative assessment on the lesson, I have posted a link button to the quiz on Socrative. When you click that link, it will automatically post a copy of the quiz in your Socrative library. Let me know if you have any questions or need help.