El repaso de capítulo 2
2-R-A Repasemos los apuntes
For an affirmative Tú command you go to the ________ form and drop the ______.
The 8 irregular affirmative tú commands can be remembered with this phrase:____________________________________________________________
An they are: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
For a negative Tú command you go to the ________ form and drop the ______ and take the __________ _____ ending: -ar->_____ -er/-ir ->_____
The 4 1/2 irregular negative Tú commands are ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
Pronouns must be ______________ to an affirmative command and they must go ____ ___________ of a negative command.
When you attach a pronoun, it require an _______________ on the ______________ syllable of your verb unless it is a ____________ syllable command.
A single syllable command only needs and accent when you attach _____ pronouns.
For Ud., Uds. and nosotros commands, it follows the same model as the ________________ _______ commands.
What is the only verb that changes it's form in a nosotros command for negative vs affirmative? __________
You never stem-change a nosotros verb unless its an ______ in which case you engage the _____________ ____________ rule.
When you attach "nos" to the end of an affirmative nosotros command you must ___________ _______ _____ of AMOS OR EMOS.
The 8 irregular affirmative tú commands can be remembered with this phrase:____________________________________________________________
An they are: ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
For a negative Tú command you go to the ________ form and drop the ______ and take the __________ _____ ending: -ar->_____ -er/-ir ->_____
The 4 1/2 irregular negative Tú commands are ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
Pronouns must be ______________ to an affirmative command and they must go ____ ___________ of a negative command.
When you attach a pronoun, it require an _______________ on the ______________ syllable of your verb unless it is a ____________ syllable command.
A single syllable command only needs and accent when you attach _____ pronouns.
For Ud., Uds. and nosotros commands, it follows the same model as the ________________ _______ commands.
What is the only verb that changes it's form in a nosotros command for negative vs affirmative? __________
You never stem-change a nosotros verb unless its an ______ in which case you engage the _____________ ____________ rule.
When you attach "nos" to the end of an affirmative nosotros command you must ___________ _______ _____ of AMOS OR EMOS.
2-R-B Pretest
Escriban un sinónimo para cada palabra:
Escriban el opuesto de estas palabras:
¿Es saludable? Sí o No
Eres doctor. Tus pacientes te dicen sus síntomas. ¿Qué les mandas a ellos? (Remember, these are your patients so you must be formal with the commands)
Ex: Doctor, tengo dolor de cabeza. ---> Tome aspirinas
- _________ La langosta con mucha mantequilla
- _________El gazpacho
- _________los calamares fritos
- _________el arroz debajo los frijoles negros, carne, salsa, lechuga, crema y el guacamole
- _________un sandwich de matequilla de cacahuate con miel
- _________un sandwich frito con queso
- _________una ensalada de sandía, cerezas, maracuyá y fresas
- _________una ensalada de espinacas con huevos duros y tocino con mucha vinagreta
- _________el pollo asado
- _________el bistec a la parilla con mucha sal y especias
Eres doctor. Tus pacientes te dicen sus síntomas. ¿Qué les mandas a ellos? (Remember, these are your patients so you must be formal with the commands)
Ex: Doctor, tengo dolor de cabeza. ---> Tome aspirinas
- Doctor, tengo un tos._______________________________
- Doctor, tengo una fiebre con escalofríos._______________________________
- Doctor, soy gordo._______________________________
- Doctor, no puedo aumentar de peso y soy demasiado flaco._______________________________
- Doctor, tengo dolor de barriga._______________________________
- Doctor, tengo calambres de las piernas después de correr._______________________________
- Doctor, me duele la garganta. Pienso que tengo infección._______________________________
- Doctor, me corto en la cocina peleando las zanahorias._______________________________
- Doctor, me pica la nariz, me queman los ojos y estornudo mucho._______________________________
- Doctor, me hinchan los pies al fin del día._______________________________
You will also have a reading comprehension, writing proficiency and listening section on the test.